Sunday, January 10, 2010

A post for all those who are fighting against Cancer!

The Fourth of February has been marked as World Cancer Day to raise awareness about this deadly disease and to encourage people and governments for its prevention, and treatment. A recent facebook post roaming around caught my eyes and made me think of how many people around me have to go though mental agonies due to cancer!this year the themes of Cancer day is Preventing cancer and raising quality of life for cancer patients.

I wish all of us may help each other some way to erase the mark of disease from human history and can prevent the tremendous loss of human health/lives and the mental pain caused to patients and families.

Discussing about this disease has made me remembering my grandpa ,whom I lost due this evil disease.I missed him so much for the love he has given me without any expectation in return.

My grandpa with my grandmother ,Aunts , Mother ,me and cousins

He was a very good hard-working ,soft spoken, and intelligent family man! A great Human being.He loved his family a lot and worked very hard for raising his children ,educating them and provide them with better opportunities to earn a better living standard.

He lived his whole for his value of simplicity, honesty,hard working , freedom of thought against dogmatic believes of society where he has lived all his life.

His fight against his illness taught me a lesson how a true brave man stand smiling , fighting the battle against the giant Demon without showing a sign of pain he is going through.

I am so proud to say I have got blood of such a great human being in my nerves and will always be thankful to him for his all unconditional love and care he has given to his sons , daughters and grandchildren.His teachings and value that has flown to us in those lovely 18 years I lived with him ;is the principle reason for why I have achieved whatever I have.
May God bless his soul and his spiritual blessings keep flowing on us! Please pray for him and all those who have withstand the pain of Cancer.amen!

Miss you Dada!

P.S. My Family said my grandpa has reincarnated as my younger brother Ashutosh. He has got so many similarities with Dada.below is he in one of his birthday

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