Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Press F5 to refresh!

''With Great Power comes great responsibility''

Getting a wonderful Job,Seen a Great movie , the Sweet Christmas Cake and everybody throwing congratulations and admirations ! What else a 23year (or 24 year...:-( ) boy can want for a new year's gift. So I should be on Seventh sky enjoying the Success! ya ...I think I should be.But what going on my mind is just fear of a coming failures... Failure of not achieving what I want , failure of being unsuccessful, failure of being criticized , failure of not being welcomed.The reason??? It is my past full of failure... Ya ,there has been moments of success too ,but they were lot less than those F%^*ing Failures.Be it keep getting failed in a single subject for 5 continuous years...Be it the hopeless interviews I appeared before coming to my Alma-matter BIMTECH,be it criticism for my bad English;be it not being tidy ,be it being a boring and irrelevant speakers or not getting a girlfriend in 8 years from my first attempt.My failures have been so similar over the year!

As always I am trying to stand against my fear and face it.But Hoping for a new turn this time around . now there will be no failures but only success!I would be listened ,I would be appreciated ,I would be loved and welcomed.Yes! I would be successful! But for that i have to throw all the garbage in my mind out! Thanks to you for listening to my failures and being part of my success by doing so.

Time to refresh... Time to Move on ... Time to rock in my new phase of life...!

Hey Akash,Best of luck for the upcoming refreshed life and a successful identity!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Akash,
    May god bless you this New Year with success & Happiness. Wishing you good luck on the new phase of your life, may you shine and bring laurels to all.

    Haresh L
    Class of 2011

