Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 in Bimtech

Hey All,

Last year have been very good for me in lot of way! I have been assigned a lot of big responsibilities from lot of good people out it My internship with marks and Spencers ,or my stint with college event Mall-mania as a committee member or the short but sweet Titan project!and not to forget my first retail job in Apollo.

What was so common about everything that has happened during the year was that I found people believing on me,Giving me responsibilities, expecting results from me.That is something that hasn't happened with me a lot before.
Ohh .. I forget to write about the picture... It was send to our mail by Joe.Another Good friend I meet in Bimtech.Thanks all for being so good to me.

Thanks to all you friends,professors and classmates to believing in me.That's how I started believing in my self!I will

Also Some great movies has released this year.Two that I have enjoyed a lot were Kamine and 3 idiot.Great work of art ,making me cry,laugh, think and enjoy!

The experience of last movie was amazing and unique in many ways... the 300 seat hall was having at least 50-60 people from my college.That is the best part of being a student . You are never alone for doing any thing good.
Movies become more entertaining when being watched in group...Once again I am going to watch a ''group movie''...This time its avatar. Probably 3 idiots and Avatar would be my last two in such a big group and with so many of my friends...looking forward for a great start of new year.

Now what in this year?
  • Job @ Apollo ... First full time experience in retail ...
  • Might be a new Laptop and Bike and
  • Again some new friends...
  • Tomorrow we are going to watch avatar ... with 21 of my classmates... Thanks to our dear friends Arpan and Abhishek...For planning and 'sponsoring' the big reunion.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Year Resolutions!

The best New year greeting I have got till now!
May all your troubles last as long as your New Year's resolutions!

As the end of year is coming closer ,I have been seeing people making a number of resolutions.But what so common between most of them? Ya... They are never achieved... In reality ,most of people will tell you it has been years since they are making same promise to them shelves and never achieved them.

Why the resolutions are never achieved ? are they really meant to be broken?
Quoting a New year greet ,so rightly underlining the problems in our promises!
“We spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives… not looking for flaws, but for potential.”(SOURCE)

Just Think ! Is not what happen to us whenever we set a goal! Our mind start thinking about why would not we would succeed! We always keep looking for "cracks to be patched" and not "rooms of our lives"!

Make a promise this year! Don't brake your new year resolution ... try honestly and bring a change you deserve ! May God bless you to walk through "rooms of your live"!

Wishing you all a Happy and prosperous new year !

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New Year Greetings!

Hey ,What's your plan for this year's party?

This Year New year night would be very special to me in many way! My last party as a student... My last celebration in this campus... and probably last party before joining into my Job on 15 jan!I am still unable to plan out how to make the day different? Do you have some plan?

Introduction to the Big Bore Blogger!

"I am not 'a' big fat panda! I am 'the' Big Fat panda!"

In my emotional outburst in last post ,I have forget to introduce you to myself.I am Akash aka Saand[Bull] aka scientist!You might have make up a image of mine by the kind of names my classmates have given to me..Huh? Ya I am a Fat 90+X K.g.(where X is a variable depended on my last meal),'Athletically challenged',a bookworm Kind of person! Through I hate most of the things in my life, I love my Facebook account, Watching pictures and Some other things of beautiful girls , reading books ,riding bikes ,cooking and making friends a lot!My Parent,Mummy and brother are the only three people who love this creature as me and I love them a lot for doing that!

Why This Blog?

This blog is a place for all my real world and virtual world friend to get in touch, getting to know about my non-happening life's Great happening!

Latest News:

  • I have Joined Apollo pharmacy as 'Private label executive'(will tell you when I get to know what exactly my work would be?).
  • Seen 3 Idiot1. Great movie!Rating:*****
  • Started this blog!
  • Exams next weeks!!!Who cares???
  • Thanks to shusi ,I have hurt my leg

Things you can do for me:

  • Give me some weight loosing tips!
  • Help me getting a girl.
  • Send me a pack of cigarette!(the most irritating thing I do)
  • Keep Commenting on my posts

All those who had got a headache and want to abuse me for writing such crap can mail me

All admirers and girls who want to date can comment to my posts!

Press F5 to refresh!

''With Great Power comes great responsibility''

Getting a wonderful Job,Seen a Great movie , the Sweet Christmas Cake and everybody throwing congratulations and admirations ! What else a 23year (or 24 year...:-( ) boy can want for a new year's gift. So I should be on Seventh sky enjoying the Success! ya ...I think I should be.But what going on my mind is just fear of a coming failures... Failure of not achieving what I want , failure of being unsuccessful, failure of being criticized , failure of not being welcomed.The reason??? It is my past full of failure... Ya ,there has been moments of success too ,but they were lot less than those F%^*ing Failures.Be it keep getting failed in a single subject for 5 continuous years...Be it the hopeless interviews I appeared before coming to my Alma-matter BIMTECH,be it criticism for my bad English;be it not being tidy ,be it being a boring and irrelevant speakers or not getting a girlfriend in 8 years from my first attempt.My failures have been so similar over the year!

As always I am trying to stand against my fear and face it.But Hoping for a new turn this time around . now there will be no failures but only success!I would be listened ,I would be appreciated ,I would be loved and welcomed.Yes! I would be successful! But for that i have to throw all the garbage in my mind out! Thanks to you for listening to my failures and being part of my success by doing so.

Time to refresh... Time to Move on ... Time to rock in my new phase of life...!

Hey Akash,Best of luck for the upcoming refreshed life and a successful identity!
